HPtuners Remote Tuning Device (RTD) and Tune Delivery Network (TDN) is a innovative tuning solution which gives shops and tuners the capability to reach a broader amount of customers through email, that would otherwise require the vehicle to be in-shop. Both tools are designed to simply speed up the tuning process so you and you shop create more revenue, customers, while making delivering tunes and calibrations files easier than ever before.
What is the Remote Tuning Device (RTD)?
The Remote Tuning Device (RTD) is a physical device that tuning shops use to distribute their tunes to their customers to further streamline the tuning process.

The RTD shares similarities with the MPVI3 such as standalone data logging. This means that the RTD is compatible with VCM Scanner allowing customers to flash their vehicle, however they do not have access to VCM Editor, disallowing customers and users to view and edit tune files. This protects both shops, customers, and users from unwanted modifications to the tune file.
With the free-to-download TDN app, customers can send all the necessary files retrieved from their RTD to their tuners using smartphones.
What is Tune Delivery Network (TDN)?
The Tune Delivery Network (TDN) is an online platform designed for professional tuners, certified shops, and aftermarket companies to exchange tune files and effectively manage their customers.

TDN is accessible through both the website portal and the Android/iOS app. With features such as auto-tune deployment and automatic acceptance of invite codes, TDN offers exceptional convenience for shops that tune multiple vehicles each month.
TDN syncs with the RTD, as well as the MPVI2, MPVI2+, and MPVI3 interfaces. When using an RTD, your customers are unable to view or modify any tune files received from their tuner. Through the mobile TDN app, customers can easily retrieve and send stock read files, forward fault codes, scan and clear DTCs, and flash custom tune files back to their vehicle.
TDN also lets customers send their datalog files directly to their tuner. For example, if a customer receives a revised tune file, they can flash it to their vehicle using their interface, then instantly datalog the vehicle and send the file to their tuner through the app.